Achieve Academy of Dance
It's Still Not Too Late To Register For Some Classes!

New Students - Click the blue "Register Now" button. Returning Students - Please register through your Parent Portal. If your preferred class is full, please register on a waitlist for any and all classes that work for you and you will be contacted when an opening is available. Adjustments are made consistently in the early stages of registration and openings may become available. This is also how we know additional classes may be needed!

SUMMER 2025 Registration Contact List

Summer classes will begin June 23rd! To be notified when the schedule is ready and registration opens, please fill out the google form here: Summer 2025 Registration Notification


Congratulations CASEY ELSNER! She was chosen as the recipient of the Kendall Murphy Memorial Tumbling Scholarship - a one hour weekly group tumbling class for the 2024-2025 season! Happy tumbling, Casey!


Avoid duplicating your accounts by easily logging in to your Parent Portal to register!


Tumbling students will benefit from our awesome tumbling facility which features a 56 ft. tumble track (trampoline) into a solid foam pit! Beginner to Advanced levels available.


Use this link to order rhinestones for competition costumes, to jazz up your Achievewear, or for anything else that needs a little extra sparkle!

"We are so happy to have found Achieve Academy of Dance!" more
PHONE: (812) none963-5681 |


Mom and Me -
1 Hour Class (Ages 3-4)

Mom & Me offers 1/2 hour of Dance (Tap and Ballet) and 1/2 hour of Tumbling. This introductory course provides students with dance and tumbling basics, coordination, balance, and movement in a fun, learning environment. Your presence in this class will not only help ease your child into this new social atmosphere, but will also provide her/him with the physical support toddlers need. What great bonding time!

Dance & Tumbling (also called ½ and ½ class) -
1 Hour Class (Ages 4-5)

Similar to the Mom & Me class, Dance & Tumbling is an introduction to 1/2 hour of Dance (Tap and Ballet) and 1/2 hour of Tumbling designed to teach the basic skills students will build upon throughout their involvement with dance. This class is for the more independent child.

Combo -
1 Hour Class (Ages 4-12)

Combo classes incorporate Tap, Jazz, and Ballet. These classes are available for beginners and students with 1-2 years experience. Students will learn the dance skills necessary to progress to intermediate and advanced levels.

Rotating -
1 ½ Hours Class (Ages 6+)
Recreational AND Competition classes available

Rotating classes are for the dedicated, intermediate to advanced dancer. Rotation from room to room and from instructor to instructor every 1/2 hour will provide the student with a more intense study in Tap, Jazz, and Ballet.

Technique Classes -
Technique 1 - 1/2 Hour Class (Beg - Ages 6+)
Technique 2 - 1 Hour Class (Beg/Int)
Technique 3 - 1 Hour Class (Int/Adv) *Note: Ballet 3 - 1 1/2 Hour Class

Technique classes are available in Tap, Jazz, and Ballet. These are intense classes dedicated to those wanting to progress quickly with an emphasis on proper technique, body alignment, and terminology. These are excellent additional classes for those wanting to compete, or for those who have future performance goals. No Performance Routine. 2 years tap experience required for tap technique class.

Hip Hop -
1 Hour Class - (Hip Hop 1, Beg [Age 5+]) (Hip Hop 2, Int) (Hip Hop 3, Adv)
Recreational AND Competition classes available

Hip Hop is a fast, high energy dance seen in today's music videos and commercials. Hip Hop originated on the streets of New York and incorporates freestyle dance and freedom of expression through rhythmic music.

Contemporary -
1 Hour Class (Ages 8+)
Competition Class only

Contemporary dance draws on modern dance techniques but is more concerned with examining the choreographic and performing process. Principles of contemporary dance include: centering, alignment, gravity, breath, contraction, release, fall and recovery, suspension, balance and off-balance, tension and relaxation, and opposition and emotion. Ballet Experience & Ballet Technique Required.

Pointe / Pre-Pointe -
1/2 hour class (ages 10+) Beginner/Intermediate level

Pointe/Pre-Pointe class emphasizes proper ballet technique and terminology with a focus on strengthening feet and ankles whether in or out of pointe shoes. Ballet Technique Class is required.

Tumbling -
½ Hour, 1 Hour, or 1 ½ Hour Classes

Tumbling improves flexibility, strength, and coordination. Beginners are introduced to somersaults, cartwheels, and other basic tumbling skills, and advance to back handsprings, back tucks, and advanced tumbling skills. Hundreds of compression foam blocks under the tumbling floor absorb impact for injury prevention. Learn more about Tumbling.

Tumbling Levels:
Little Achiever 1 (½ Hour Class)

will work on handstands, handstand roll downs, cartwheels, forward and backward rolls (using wedge), backbends, and straddle rolls. Will advance to 1 hour class when student can successfully complete without assistance: holding a bridge, cartwheel, forward and backward roll, straddle roll and handstand.

Little Achiever 2 (1 Hour Class)

will advance to Bronze level when student can successfully complete a round off, back walkover, or back bend kick over, and is working on a back handspring and front handspring.

Achiever (Older Beginner) (1 Hour Class)

will advance to Bronze level when student can successfully complete a round off, back walkover, or back bend kick over, and is working on a back handspring and front handspring.

Bronze (1 Hour Class)

will advance to Silver Level when student can successfully complete a back handspring, working on a round off back handspring and working on a front tuck. It is suggested that students take 2 hours per week (two classes) to gain and maintain strength and flexibility.

Silver (1 Hour Class)

will advance to Gold Level when student can successfully perform a round off 4 back handsprings. It is suggested that students take 2 hours per week (two classes) to gain and maintain strength and flexibility.

Gold (11/2 Hour Class)

Students will work on multiple back handsprings and back tucks and will advance to Platinum tumbling when they achieve multiple back handsprings and back tuck.  It is suggested that students take 3 hours per week (two classes) to gain and maintain strength.

Platinum (11/2 Hour Class)

Platinum tumblers will work on combination passes, front tucks and fulls.  It is suggested that students take 3 hours per week (two classes) to gain and maintain strength.

Crystal (11/2 Hour Class)

Crystal tumblers will strengthen their ability while continuing to work on fulls, front tucks, and combination passes, ex: round off back handspring whip back handspring back tuck.  It is suggested that students take 3 hours per week (two classes) of Crystal and Platinum classes to gain and maintain strength.